Jesus' Parables - 2
Speaker: Ramil Yaldaei- Details
Date: 2020-08-26
Why parables?
Contemporary reasoning are false
- Matthew 13:10-11
- It was a judgment on willful, hard-hearted unbelief
- Matthew 13:12-13
Do we need to speak in parables to make things clear to unbelievers?
Parables were designed to hide the truth.
In Isaiah 5 judgment is coming on Israel
Isaiah has a vision of God (Isaiah 6:1-13)
- He feels inadequate
- Angel cleanses him with a live coal
- The Lord said, “who will go for us?”
- Isaiah says, “here I am, send me”
- Lord said, “Okay, go preach judgment”
- But they will not understand!
- Matthew 13:14-15
- Why Lord? “because there is a remnant.”
What is an illustration without a point? You will not understand it
Jesus pulls his disciples aside and explains the parable
- Matthew 13:19-23
Parables had a mercy element in this judgment!
- Luke 12:48
What about the parable of “good Samaritan”?
What about the parable of “prodigal son”?
People who reject the gospel of salvation can find no meaning in the parables
- Matthew 13:34-35
What nobody in the world understands, you do understand!
- I Corinthians 2:7-10
- Luke 10:23-24