
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

Assyrian Presbyterian Church of San Jose

ܥܕܬܐ ܦܪܣܒܝܬܪܝܬܐ ܕܐܬܘܖ̈ܝܐ ܒܣܢ ܗܘܙܝ

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  • New Year Resolutions is a tradition in which a person resolves to change an undesired behavior, to accomplish a goal, or otherwise improve their life.
  • I believe the story before us is similar in what’s going on in this generation.
    • Luke 5:12ܠܘܩܐ ܗ:12 

Leprosy (Lepis)ܓܸܪܒܼܹܐ

  • Leviticus 13:46ܟܗܢ̈ܐ ܝܓ:46 
  • Luke 4:27ܠܘܩܐ ܕ:27 

The story of ingratitude, gratitude, worship and salvation

  • Vs. 11: On his way to Jerusalemܓ̰ܪ. 11: ܒܐܙܵܠܬܵܐ ܠܐܘܿܪܸܫܠܹܝܡ
  • Vs. 12: Ten leprous menܓ̰ܪ. 12: ܬܦܸܩܠܘܿܢ ܒܝܼܹܗ ܥܸܣܪܵܐ ܐܢܵܫܹ̈ܐ ܓܸܖ̈ܒܼܵܢܹܐ:  
    • Leviticus 13:45-46, Numbers 5:2-3, 12:14-15, II Kings 7:3
  • Vs. 13: They raised their voice, Master (Ep-is-tat-es) Have mercy!  ܓ̰ܪ. 13: ܘܡܘܼܪܸܡܠܘܿܢ ܩܵܠܵܝ: ܝܼܫܘܿܥ ܪܵܒܝܼ: ܪܵܚܸܡ ܥܲܠܲܢ.
  • Vs. 14: Go to the priest. strange response!ܓ̰ܪ. 14: ܙܹܠ݉ܡܘܿܢ ܠܟܵܗܢܹ̈ܐ.
    • Leviticus 13 & 14ܟܗܢ̈ܐ ܝܓ ܀ ܝܕ 
  • Vs. 14: As they were going they were cleansed (Kath-ar-is-zo).  ܓ̰ܪ. 14: ܟܲܕ ܒܹܐܙܵܠܵܐ ܗ݉ܘܵܘ: ܦܸܫܠܘܿܢ ܕܘܼܟܼܝܹܐ.
  • The priests who rejected Jesus must testify that these men were healed!
  • Vs. 15: One of them turned back!ܓ̰ܪ. 15: ܚܵܕ݉ ܡܸܢܵܝ: ܟܲܕ ܚܙܹܠܹܐ ܕܦܸܫܠܹܐ ܕܘܼܟܼܝܵܐ: ܕܸܪܹܐ:

The Samaritan did three things (vs. 15-16):ܓ̰ܪ. 15 – 16  

  1. Glorifying God with a loud voiceܒܩܵܠܵܐ ܪܵܡܵܐ ܫܘܼܒܸܚܠܹܐ ܠܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ
  2. Fell down on his face at his feetܢܦܸܠܹܐ ܥܲܠ ܦܵܬܹܗ ܩܵܕ݉ܡ ܐܲܩ̈ܠܹܗ: ܟܲܕ ܫܵܟܘܿܪܹܐ ܐܸܠܹܗ
  3. Giving thanks to Himܟܲܕ ܫܵܟܘܿܪܹܐ ܐܸܠܹܗ (ܒܸܛܥ݉ܝܵܢܵܐ ܡܸܢܬܵܐ) 
    • John 4:9, 23ܝܘܚܢܢ ܕ:9، 23 

Jesus asked three questions (vs. 17-18):ܓ̰ܪ. 17 – 18 

  1. Were there not ten cleansed?ܠܹܐ ܗ݉ܘܵܘ ܥܸܣܪܵܐ ܐܵܢܝܼ ܕܦܸܫܠܘܿܢ ܕܘܼܟܼܝܹܐ؛
  2. But the nine, where are they?ܐܲܝܟܵܐ ܝܢܵܐ ܐܸܬܫܥܵܐ؛
  3. Was no one found who turned back to give glory to God except this stranger (Alogenace)?ܠܵܐ ܡܫ݉ܟ̣ܸܚܠܘܿܢ ܕܕܵܝܪܝܼ ܠܝܼܵܗ݉ܒܼܵܐ ܬܸܫܒܘܿܚܬܵܐ ܠܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ: ܫܒܼܘܿܩ ܡܼܢ ܐܵܗܵܐ ܢܘܼܟܼܪܵܝܵܐ؛
    • John 1:11ܝܘܚܢܢ ܐ:11 
  • That faith have made you whole (sode-zo).
    • Romans 10:17ܖ̈ܗܘܡܝܐ ܝ:17  Isaiah 6:13ܐܫܥܝܐ ܘ:13

Conclusion-  Luke 5:32ܠܘܩܐ ܗ:32 ܠܵܐ ܐܬܹܠܝܼ ܕܩܵܪܸܢ ܠܙܲܕܝܼܩܹ̈ܐ: ܐܸܠܵܐ ܠܚܲܛܵܝܹ̈ܐ ܠܬܝܵܒܼܘܼܬܵܐ