The Shepherd of the Sheep
Speaker: Ramil Yaldaei- Details
Date: 2015-01-25
Scripture: John 10:7-10:18
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Why is this message important?
Sermon of Jesus (Word of God) to congregation
Explains the person and work of Jesus
This sermon had two-fold effect on the people
I. Verse 14
1) I am the good Shepherd
John 6:48-51, John 14:6, Hebrews 13:20, I Peter 5:4
2) I know my sheep
Matthew 9:4, Matthew 7:22-23, II Timothy 2:19, John 17:2,
Jeremiah 1:5, Jeremiah 31:3
3) My sheep know me.
II Timothy 1:12, I John 5:20,
II. Verse 15
1) Divine relationship
John 17:22-23
2) I lay down my life for the sheep
John 10:14-15
Isaiah 53:5
III. Verse 16
1) Other sheep I have
John 17:22-23
2) Them also I must bring
I Peter 3:18
3) They shall hear my voice