The Samaritan -1
Speaker: Ramil Yaldaei- Details
Date: 2020-10-29
The Samaritan
People are familiar with the story but not so much with the spiritual lesson
- Luke 10:21-22
- Luke 10:23-24
Popular story in defending many worldly ideas
Modern interpreters have missed the point
- Reallocation of wealth
- Socialism
- Jim Wallis – American Pastor and Activist
- Liberation theology
- Mark 8:18
- Ezekiel 12:2
- John 9:39
- The Samaritan
This parable is about Salvation
Nicodemus: John 3
Rich young ruler: Matthew 19
Intent of the parable
- Luke 10:25
His motive was not good
The most important question
He asked it to put Jesus in some kind of a bad light and, therefore, be guilty of some crime
Notice the path Jesus takes
- Luke 10:26
- What does the law say?
- Deuteronomy 6:4-5
- Leviticus 19:18