The Samaritan -3
Speaker: Ramil Yaldaei- Details
Date: 2020-11-12
The Samaritan
This parable is about Salvation
Very important question
What must I do to inherit eternal life?
Parable of Samaritan
leaves Jerusalem and is going to Jericho
He fell among robbers. Thy stripped him, beat him and left him half dead
A Priest passed by (vs. 31)
- Micah 6:6-8
Priest has no love for the man and no love for God
- A Levi passed by (vs. 32)
- Levites assisted in the temple
- A religious man
Will anyone do what’s right?
Jesus introduces a hated person (vs. 33)
- Jews saw Samaritans as evil
- Intermarriage
- Disrupt the rebuilding of the temple
- John 8:48
Samaritan came (vs. 34)
- He went to the man
- Bandaged up his wounds
- Poured oil and wine on his wounds
- Put him on his own animal
- Brought him to an Inn
On the next day (vs. 35)
- He stayed with the man
Innkeeper, take care of him (vs. 36)
- Whatever you spend, I will repay you
- Love without limit
Which one of these proved to be a neighbor? (vs. 37)
The Lord changed the question
- “Who is my neighbor?” (vs. 29)
This isn’t about who your neighbor is.
This is about “are you a neighbor?”
- Am I a neighbor who loves in an unqualified way?
Go do the same (vs. 37)
What should have been his response?
- Luke 18:13
- Romans 3:24
God requires perfection
- Romans 7:10
There he was standing in front of the one person in the world who could forgive him, but…